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Stallholder FAQ'S

Thanks for your interest in being part of Kinglake Market.  If you can't find what you're looking for, get in touch via the enquiry form on the home page or call 0457 481 980


Fees:  Stall fees start at $30 per site – power available for extra fee


Available Stall sizes:  Stall sizes are a minimum 3m x 3m or combinations thereof (e.g. 6m x 3m). There are some sites (2.5 x2 m) available indoors but most are outdoors so please consider the weather.


Power: Power is limited in the market but we have two large generators including 3 phase options. (You will need to provide your own 15amp extension leads *Extension leads must be tagged. Please get in touch to discuss the power needs for your site.


Times: The market officially opens to the public 10am-2pm, and we request that you're set up ready to go by 9:15am, as we always get “early bird” visitors. Please adhere to your site locations; gate entry number & bump in times.


Directions:  Map, site location, bump in times & your specific entry gate info will be sent via email on the Friday before Market date.

Parking:  Some sites can have a vehicle parked behind the site, however the majority require you to unload your vehicle and move it a short distance to a parking area nearby before setting up your stall


How do I find my site? When you arrive, a Rotary volunteer (in their yellow vest) will direct you to your site.  Let us know if you need a hand setting up a marquee and we'll help out where we can. All sites are numbered -look for the yellow disc on the ground. Please drive slowly on-site and be respectful of volunteers and other stall holders. 



Marquees:  You'll need to provide your own marquee and have adequate means to secure your marquee – strong pegs & weights for strong wind conditions.



Documents:  You are required to have your own Product & Public Liability insurance. If selling food or drinks you have to obtain a Streatrader with our local Council, Murrindindi Shire Council

Request a stall

1 Extons Road Kinglake

Central 3757


   24th March



  • 25th Feb

  • 24th March

  • 28th April

  • 26th May

  • 23rd June

  • 28th July

  • 25th Aug

  • 22 Sept

  • 27th Oct

  • 24th Nov

  • Twilight Market


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